If sources to be believed, Sangram Singh's girlfriend Payal Rohatgi, will also make entry inside the Bigg Boss 7 house, after Kushal Tandon. It has also been learnt that the channel team is in negotiations with Armaan's girlfriend Tanya Singh for the same. According to sources, they are being considered for a special Freeze Task wherein close associates or family members of the participants of the show are let loose in the house while the contestants have to remain in a statue position. While performing the freeze tasks the contestants cannot talk to anybody. Nor are they allowed to react or show any kind of emotion while performing the task. The winner of Bigg Boss Season 6, television actor Urvashi Dholakia had to undergo a similar predicament last year when her two sons entered the house while she was performing the Freeze Task.
Sangram Singh's girlfriend Payal Rohatgi, will also make entry in Bigg Boss 7 house, and meet Sangram after many months.